The great artist @aveartz has provided a sketch of a cheetah that other artists can draw in their own style. Well, my hooman is more of an author than an artist, but he took a pencil and twenty erasers and tried to re-draw the sketch in his non-existent style. I stood by his side to help him the sketch once look like a cheetah. You can see the result here. Admittedly, without experience in drawing and without a graphics tablet there can't be done much more than that - ok, maybe it can ;) Probably it would be better to shade it with the pencil, too instead of colouring by multiplying colours in PS only with a mouse. I hope @aveartz doesn't take it so badly.
@aveartz #drawthisinyourstyle #NoOwnStyle #NoGraphicsTablet #AtLeastACheetah #Milchbroetchen #plushicommunity #JubaUndMara #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier
#AtLeastACheetah (1 Posts)
The great artist @aveartz has provided a sketch of a cheetah that other artists can draw in their own style. Well, my hooman is more of an author than an artist, but he took a pencil and twenty erasers and tried to re-draw the sketch in his non-existent style....
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