Slide Nummer 4
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 04.10.2020 11:45:47

On the occasion of its 16K @lynxspots is hosting a new DTIYS. You know I'm not an artist, neither is my human. He says the last time he drew was in school - that was probably 400 years ago. To cut a long story short: I really can't expect any help from anyone, I have to teach myself everything, try out, discard and correct. And I can tell you one thing, without a thumb, holding a pen is the greatest art.

But I got through. For a long, loooong time I stroked, changed, erased, revised, repainted, paws up, paws down, drawn the neck long and the neck short, bent the hind legs in all directions until it turned into a pleasing sketch. Well, something like that, anyway. In fact the eraser now is half the size it had before. At many points it's rough and undefined - as I said, I'm not an artist, and that's my second DTIYS ever. So I'm not even sure I have my own style at all.

What worked halfway with the sketch, then no longer worked at all when coloring and shading. It would be better if I had just left the sketch as it is, instead of coloring it in like a cub. So it has become a wildly colored cheetah without being able to see light and shadow. But that's the way it is sometimes. Still, it was fun - even without a great understanding of art.

#lynxspots16k #DTIYS #Autumn #CheetahCatchesLeaves #Buntstift #Skizze #KeinKuenstler #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier

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