Flowers as a theme for the #artphotosaturday? Niara didn't want to miss that. So she asked me to look for a flower that she could wear in a photo as a contribution. And so I ran and ran through the garden, looked at every wall and behind every stone and yet found no flower that did not wither in Niara's beauty. There were only daisies and those yellow flowers.
But Niara said that each flower was beautiful in its own way and wore it with a queen's pride.
Thanks for hosting, @slawomira__k, @pig.tastic and @rascalgetsacamera
#Artphotosaturday #Flowers #FlowerInHair #QueenOfFlowers #Queen #Daisies #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier #plushies #plushiecommunity #instaplushies #stuffies #stuffiesofinstagram #plushielife
#Daisies (6 Posts)
Ich glaube, Swedes größter Spaß ist es, durch die Wiesen und Flure zu jagen und Gänseblümchen zu pflücken. Das kann sie den ganzen Tag tun, und ihr würde dabei nicht langweilig. Aber ihr seht es ja selbst. #fotografiecentrum26stofftier #Swede #LovedBefore #Daisies #plushicommunity...
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