Slide Nummer 50
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 10.07.2020 18:04:47

While my hooman - by the great mother, I think he can never cope with it - was revising his book, he was listening to music. He always does it that way. And there was a song that pressed into my ear and didn't want to go out. I asked him who was singing there. My hooman said that they were Runrig - possibly the best live band that ever was and hopefully will be, as they will be back one day. And he also said, the song that they were playing was called "Loch Lomond". As he explained, it must be one of the greatest songs ever. It is even a kind of Scottish anthem. He knows that in addition to the real national anthem, Scotland also has the unofficial "Flower of Scotland" and possibly the "Highland Cathedral" as the anthem, too. But "Loch Lomond", he insisted, is some of an anthem as well.

Then I had an idea: I asked my hooman to use the big television. I asked to gather some friends - my hooman got instantely scared when I talked about a few friends - in the living room so that we could watch a Runrig concert right there. After all, today is #RedBearsFridayNightMovieNight and a concert definitely counts. My hooman set everything up, even set up a bench so that we could all sit in the front row. Sometimes he's really kind.

And I tell you what, we all had goose bumps because it is incredibly beautiful when thousands of people, peacefully united, sing this song along. I can't even describe that. How lucky you humans are to be able to do that. Our caterwaul, however, is terrible to hear. Just stupid that you don't understand that, how gifted you are.

And yet this song is wonderful. This goes out to everyone who wants a nice friday. Love you!
And now, lets sing together.

You'll take the high road and I'll take the low road
And I'll be in Scotland before you
Where me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie bonnie banks of Loch Lomond

#RedBearsFridayNightMovieNight #BestLivebandEver #Runrig #LochLomond #Scotland #plushicommunity #JubaUndMara #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier

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