Slide Nummer 21
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 17.06.2024 21:41:09

The incredible @momiji95 recently started a #dtiys challenge, and because the subject strolled along somewhere in my comfort zone, while it seemed somewhat doable, I thought: let's give it a try.

As you can imagine it wasn't a tiger, but I tried to create a similar perspective for the cheetah with an equal level of fluffyness. Some things worked out well, some things didn't - when I colored the cheetah's pupils, I noticed how big, yeah, too big they were. In the sketch it looked kind of cute, but finally coloured it seemed like having too much of belladonna. In fact, the drawing came out quite promising meanwhile, but the sharp outlines don't forgive any wrong stroke - at that point I should have deviated from the given motif and drawn less dark, perhaps fewer lines. Maybe next time.

However, at my current skill level this is, what I can do with the watercolors. I hope, you like it anyways.

PS: There is an edited version of the drawing with smaller pupils, which look way better, even though it doesn't solve all the issues.

PPS: Somehow I failed drawing the japanese maple. 🤷‍♂️

#momiji95coasterdtiys #Cheetah #JubaOnTour #DTIYS #Watercolors #Aquarell #Sketch #Art

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