😺 Dad! Daaad!
🐆 Why's my daughter yelling and belling so wildly?
😺 Because- she’s has something to show her dad. Soooo badly!
🐆 Oh, what do you want to show me, cutie?
😺 Well, how do I explain that, you’ll understand? I informed myself.
🐆 And how informed are you now?
😺 Very informed, Dad. At least when it comes to boat building.
🐆 Boat building?
😺 Yeah, because the last flamingo boat was nuthin but a failure, that’s why I read, I planned, I designed. And here it is: the new concept of-
🐆 A boat?
😺 Not a normal boat, Dad. No, it’s a water rocket with two engines, a fiberglass body, an intake for the flamingo floatie and flames on the wings. Do you see? I have calculated and considered everything. Damn, this will be the hottest water vehicle ever.
🐆 Engines? GRP? Flames? How are we gonna pay for that, little mouse?
😺 Don’t worry about it, dad. Our hooman has already ordered the drives, the rc control, just like the GRP.
🐆 But do you even know what GRP is?
😺 Theoretically. I’ve read a lot about it, Dad. It’s glass- fibre somwhat. I don’t know, but it’s easy to make the most organic shapes out of it. It’s going to be freaking pawsome.
🐆 O my...
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#Plushies (1022 Posts)
🇩🇪 Dieser Post gehört nur euch. Nur für euch stand ich eine Stunde im Schnee und presste das weiße Zeug zusammen, stampfte auf dem Boden herum als würde Rumpelstilzchen Wein auspressen. Ich hoppste, ich drückte, ich stemmte, bis meine Pfoten eiskalt...
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