Slide Nummer 41
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 24.08.2024 21:03:35

Because of their 1500 followers, @jjdrawss started a #DTIYS challenge, and I'm in. Of course, the interpretation is quite special and like every time I'm not sure whether I was able to complete the task, but today I had to work under difficult conditions - while my hyooman was pampering the flowers, I sat at the camping table and colored. Yes, outdoors. At 35°C in the shade of a birch and a generally not unpleasant wind, the watered paper dried faster than I could soak it; the color gradients turned out accordingly rough. What worked well in the last drawing couldn't work this time. However, all in all I kinda like it.

Why there's a cheetah hanging on the moon is something the viewers have to figure out themselves. Why the moon is so spotty, and literally cheesy, is something the viever has to answer for himself as well. Why the moon has a string of lights is probably unknown. Maybe... yes, maybe the man in the moon is just a little cheetah who likes to have a party up there.

Thanks for the fun #DTIYS, although the result unfortunatelly isn't one of my best works. I hope, @jjdraws, you like the adaption anyways.

#jjdrawssdtiys #DTIYS #Aquarell #JubaMalt #JubaDraws #Watercolors #Cheetah #Moon #Sketch #JubaOnTour #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Plushie #Kuscheltier #plushies #plushiecommunity #instaplushies #stuffies #stuffiesofinstagram #plushielife #plushieadventures #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug

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