Slide Nummer 6
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 16.11.2020 15:55:46

Today, for #MeetTheTeddiesMonday, I would like to introduce you to someone very special, the one who suddenly tumbled into my life. You've guessed it, I'm talking about Niara. You might wonder why I'm introducing her to you, although there's hardly a picture of me or her to be found without both of us, side by side. But what else could you say about her that doesn't just describe her bewitching beauty?

Well, you might know that Niara always looks serious, reserved. Have you ever seen her smiling heartily on our hilarious ventures? In fact, sometimes she gives the impression of standing above things and looking over everything in the aristocratic manner of a queen.

And she is no less than a queen. Really.

Niara is the second of the Whiteclawes. She and her daughter Mneka are the last of an old race that conquered the Golden Lands for more than forty generations - where the Maasai Mara and the Serengeti meet, as man call the pristine lands.

As one of two daughters, Niara grew up under the stern paw of Mali from Whiteclawes, Queen of the Golden Lands. But unlike imagination, life of a queen's child was not about having fun and carefree play, rather it meant responsibility. The great name was an equally great burden. She, little Niara, once would be ruler of the sacred meadows. The well-being and continuance of her entire race, theye, ruled the country for so long, would depend on her. It was of the utmost importance that she learned the customs, get to know the lands, know every hideout and every native smell. She should know how to hunt. There should never have been a fiercer huntress than she, no one should be more skillful and nefarious with the claw, and never reign more imperiously - she should be the next queen. There was no time for romping around, for bathing in leaves, for making lanterns. None of this was a queen's due.

And possibly Niara has subjugated the Golden Lands, if not- if not the white man came and demanded the grounds for himself. All of the Whiteclawes were scattered to the winds. And by many detours Niara came to us - she persistently kept quiet about that hard times though.

...continued in comment

#queen #highness #blueblood

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