Slide Nummer 2
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 04.07.2020 15:16:16

Mama Cheryls Rasta said today is #plushiecuddlysaturday. I typed that into the translator. And do you know what it said? Plüschtierknuddelsamstag!

That's when I really started to ponder - well, we're plushies, we love to hug and what's more, it's Saturday today. There are coincidences.

So I called the whole family and then we hugged and snuggled und cuddled. And we also took a family picture.

PS: Meanwhile, my hooman didn't like it, because while he was taking pictures he was attacked by ants. He's still swearing because his arms are on fire.

#PlushieCuddlySaturday #Hug #Cuddles #HugsAndKisses #plushicommunity #JubaUndMara #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier

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