Slide Nummer 2
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 07.08.2020 17:07:16

...Suddenly there was a loud roar in the front yard.

🐆 Can you hear me up there
🐈 What?
🐆 Sweeede, can you hear me?
🐈 No, no pear - it's a sunflower.
🐆 What?
🐆 I know it is a sunflower. But how tall is it?
🐈 One! Nine! Seven!
🐆 What?
🐆 Why seven? Only the big one. Measure only the big one.
🐈 What?

A few moments later in the front yard...

🐈 Whoa, it's damn huge. It's almost twice as tall as the others. Well, I remembered the numbers. They were: One, Nine, Seven. But what does that mean?
🐆 I think that number alone doesn't matter. Rather, it's a number that can be compared to something else.
🐈 I don't understand, papa. Why should I fold out the big stick and look at the many numbers?
🐆 Man, you're asking tough questions today, little cutie. Lemme explain. But how can i explain? Hmm. Imagine that you are a sunflower grower and-
🐈 Oh, that would be super cool. But I'll only do if we both become sunflower growerers.
🐆 Deal! If one of us wants to grow sunflowers again, it is never without the other.
🐈 Deal! But you wanted to explain what the number means.
🐆 I was about to when you- Well, let's say you grow sunflowers, and year after year you have such wonderful flowers in the garden, and every year you take your long stick with the numbers and hold it to the largest flower. In the first year you only have just a stupid number. In the second year you have two stupid numbers and you can tell if your flower was bigger last year or this year. The bigger the number, the bigger the flower. Do you understand? Let's also say your sunflowers are only One, Three, Zero each year and suddenly you have one that is almost twice the size, then you know that this one - One Nine Seven - is huge. Got it? But we can also take you as an example-
🐈 Me?
🐆 Yes. You are One, Two tall. Kinda smol. The tall sunflower is One, Nine, Seven. That means the sunflower is over 16 times bigger than you.
🐈 Wow. Indeed, that's huge.

#PlushieSunflowerChallenge2020 #AbInsBeet #Sonnenblume

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