Slide Nummer 3
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 20.09.2020 17:51:37

🐆 Aaaaand? How tall is it?
🐈 What?
🐆 How big?
🐈 Yeah, it's big.
🐆 I know it's big but how big is it?
🐈 Two. Zero. Zero. And a bit.
🐆 What?
🐈 A bit. The dipstick is too short. It should be so much higher than I am.
🐆 What?
🐈 Too short. The rod.
🐆 O, then come down first. We'll sort that out down here.
🐈 But how do we ever know how tall it is?
🐆 It's is Two, Zero, Zero, you say, and additionally as tall as you?
🐈 Yes exactly!
🐆 Well, let's just measure you too.
🐈 Me! But why?
🐆 It's time to do some math, then you'll see. You're One, Two up.
🐈 And what does that mean?
🐆 If the measuring stick is Two, Zero, Zero long and you're One, Two up, then the sunflower is Two, One, Two up. Right?
🐈 Whoa.
🐆 Yes, it's bigger than the other super big one, two weeks ago.
🐈 O yeah, the first was One, Nine, Seven. That is- lemme think. That is, this one is One, Five bigger. It's really huge.

#PlushieSunflowerChallenge2020 #StandingTall #AbInsBeet #Gardener #SunflowerGrower #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier

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