Slide Nummer 12
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 21.09.2020 19:56:52

🐈 Dad. Daaaad.
🐆 What are you yelling and belling in the garden? Just come over here if you wanna talk to me. Always that roaring. We're not lions, right.
🐈 Sorry dad, of course we're not lions, but I have something to show you.
🐆 Let me guess: Another animal transport box arrived here.
🐈 How- but how did you guess?
🐆 It was such a feeling, you know.
🐈 Oh, that's kinda cool, that feeling. But does your feeling also tell you that something is strange?
🐆 Oh, is something wrong with the transport box?
🐈 Well, whatever it is in there, it wants to get out quickly. There is some sort of knocking and scratching from the inside.
🐆 Hurry. Let's open it up.
🐈 Ok, dad. I'll drag it all the way here.

A little bit later…

🐈 The lid is open - whoever is in there may get out.

A little bit more laterer...

🐈 Wooow, she's so, so pretty. Dad, look how georgeous she is.
🐆 Hush.
🐈 But dad, take a look.
🐆 Hush, hush.
🐈 But Dad, don't you think she's beautiful? I think she's beautiful. And you probably too. Just admit it. Those sparkling eyes - so beauteous!
🐆 Swede, just stop it! I think our guest had an exhausting journey and certainly has other things in mind than that.
🐈 Forgive me father.

A little bit latererer...

🐈 Ma’am, forgive me for the brash manner. It's only because Dad is so lonesome from time to time, and you are so beautiful. That's why i thought- sorry, Ma'am, let's leave that aside. May I introduce myself: I'm Swede, my dad's adopted daughter. Yes, he's very silent today and somehow more reddish than usual.
🐆 ...
🐱 Very pleased, little Swede. I am Niara and with me is my daughter Mneka.
🐈 Oh, a little girl - Dad, look. Niara and Mneka are a small family, just like us. And now say hi to her, Dad. Anything else is more than rude.
🐆 You are right, my dear. Please forgive my taciturnity, nice to meet you Niara and Menka. It is a pleasure for me to make your acquaintance. May I take you around a little along the garden?

#Beautiful #Shy #Family #Unboxing #NiceToMeetYou #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie

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