Slide Nummer 6
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 28.09.2021 05:49:02

The three-tailed beast of Caledonia - Part 19

The room grew darker, filled with the dusky mist of a translucent soul. We stared at the rising genie, glanced at each other with the certainty of one of those moments, when peril exceeds the tolerable - we wanted to flee. And the genie of the lamp spoke in the thunderous manner of an almighty creature.

👻 Aaaah. I can breath at last. WhooOo was it? Who told me to appear?
🙀 It- it was me, Mr. Ghost. Please d-d-o not harm Mom and Dad and Mneka. It was just me.
👻 Why should I harm them, little kitty?
🙀 Well, because you- well, you're the three-tailed-
👻 The three-tailed beast - is that what you wanna say?
🙀 Well, yes. No, but you're the beast, aren't you?
👻 Tell me, what I am! It seems I am what others think I might be. Damn defamations.
😾 Yeah, defamations suck. You're absolutely right, instead of relying on people's gossip, I should have made up my own mind about you. Sorry, Mr. Ghost.
👻 Call me Gene.
😼 Gene?
👻 Gene E. Ian Bortle, to be precise. But nobody can remember that. So just Gene.
😺 Nice to meet you, Gene. I am Swede, Swede like a Swedish turnip.
👻 How sweet. Tell me, Swede, did you come to make a wish?
🙀 Um- what? Well, can I?
👻 I allow you. I have to allow you.
😺 Why do you have to? All you have to do is crawl into your lamp and that's it. I can't even force you.
👻 Sure you can, little one. I have to grant you the wish - this is my curse.
😸 A curse? Doesn't sound like a curse to me granting otherones' wishes. Isn't it nice to see those smiling faces when people got what they asked for?
👻 Is it nice to have been locked in this vessel for 500 years? Is it nice to make even the most terrible wishes come true? All the suffering, all the pain that I gave birth.
🙀 500 years in this lamp? How cruel. Who did this to you?
👻 I did. I did it to myself...

#MagicLamp #Wunderlampe #Schatzkiste #Truhe #TreasureChest #Hessen #BurgHohenstein #DieBestieVonCaledonia #TheBeastOfCaledonia #Raetsel #Schatzsuche #TreasureHunt #Grabraeuber #TombRaiders #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #plushiecommunity #instaplushies #stuffiesofinstagram #plushielife

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