Slide Nummer 14
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 04.12.2020 07:57:02

At #InternationalCheetahDay there has to be a book recommendation too.

I was just talking about an informative book "Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation" while presenting you some nice facts about the #cheetah. And I would like to say it once again: With this book you get - for an admittedly steep price - the most comprehensive piece of bound paper in which the author describes just about every bit of information from every O'Brian, every Laurie Marker, all of the conservation Institutes.

You get information on almost every national park, its population sizes, the different proportions of the animals in each recorded region, their regional territorial and social behavior, the cub mortality depending on the area, every recorded prey, the hunting frequency in dependency on the grounds, the size of prey, other predators, the number of humans living there, regional litter sizes, evolution, hunting techniques, the duration of eating after a hunt, physique, organ sizes, blood groups, the captivation in zoos, the problems and opportunities there, required feed compositions, minimum enclosure sizes, insights into the controlled breeding, etc. I could go on with this litany for one more page and it would, without exaggeration, remain incomplete.

But it doesn't hurt to have a look at @rememberingwildlife 's book series "Remembering Wildlife", especially the "Remebering Cheetahs" edition - the revenues from the illustrated books of selected photographs benefit animal welfare projects. Maybe this is a suitable Christmas present, don't you think?

Both books are an absolute recommenda...

...what the hell- why am I there although I'm still here? And why am I already holding the book in the camera even though I wanted to hold it in the camera now? What- what is happening here? Niara? Mneka? Swede? Anyone? But this can't be...

Note: This post contains unpaid advertising.

#BookRecommendation #SaveTheCheetah #InternationalCheetahDay #CheetahDay #InternationalerTagDesGeparden #Gepardentag
@RememberingWildlife #JubaOnTour #Facts #Funfacts #CheetahFacts #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier

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