🐆 There's no running with the knife in hand, do you hear me? Swede! And what do you want with the knife anyway?
🐈 Nothing. I just need it very briefly.
🐆 Take care of yourself anyway, will you. A knife like that is dangerous.
🐈 Goooot it.
30 Minutes later...
🐈 Dad are you coming? Look, look! I carved a pumpkin.
🐆 What did you do?
🐈 Carved a pumpkin!
🐆 Wow, you did really well. But you already know that you actually carved a persimmon and not a pumpkin?
🐈 No, no dad. This is a pumpkin!
🐆 No, it's a persimmon.
🐈 What is a persimmon?
🐆 I don't know, but if it's a persimmon, it can't be a pumpkin.
🐈 Brillant logic, dad. What if a persimmon is also a pumpkin? Perhaps it is like a Bactrian camel that is just as much a camel as the dromedary.
🐆 It's still a persimmon.
🐈 I do not care.
🐆 And you don't care that Halloween is over either?
🐈 Over? Who said that?
🐆 It's just like that.
🐈 Ooookay. What's next? Are you telling me birthday is only once a year? Or Christmas?
#Halloween #Pumpkin #Persimmon #NoPumpkin #Knife #Boring #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier #plushies #plushiecommunity #instaplushies #stuffies #stuffiesofinstagra #plushielife
#Halloween (10 Posts)
Wahnsinn, da streunt man einfach so durch die Welt und was findet man? Kürbisse. Aber nicht nur ein paar, nein, mindestens so viele, wie ein Gepard Flecken hat. Dabei kann ich noch nicht einmal sagen, warum die da alle lagen und wer die dorthinlegte. Aber...
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