Slide Nummer 72
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 04.12.2020 12:00:52

Still #InternationalCheetahDay? Purrty cool. So let's have some more cheetah facts, that you might not heard of. These are brought to you by some of the plushies, living here. Here away go with the facts #6 to #10:

6⃣ Did you know that male cheetahs live territorially, whereas females roam larger areas and thereby cross the territories of the males?

7⃣ Most cheetahs in the wild are found south of the Sahara. But did you know that cheetahs were found even in desert regions and forest regions. In fact, once they were spread nearly everywhere in Africa. Although they seem so fragile, cheetahs are very robust and adaptable, despite their specialized hunting technique.

8⃣ Did you know that until recently no one knew why cheetahs had offspring in captivity so rarely? Yes, it was noticed late that females kept in groups socialized to the point that they could no longer ovulate. It is believed that this behavior is supposed to prevent inbreeding. In fact, it prevented breeding in zoos for a long time.

9⃣ Did you know that cheetahs have a huge variaty of sounds they call out? There are yelps and chirrups and chirps and yips and purrs and growls and snorts and meows.

🔟 It is no secret that there are currently only 7,000 - 9,000 cheetahs left in the wild. At the moment, thanks to many conservation projects, their number remains stable, but the exponentially increasing population is threatening the cheetah's habitat more and more.

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