Slide Nummer 92
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 13.04.2021 11:33:56

Whilst Juba is struggling with the cubbies somewhere in the cherry plantation...

😼 Yeah, Nee, tell us about Juba.
😺 C'mon, what's up with both of you?
🐆 ...
😸 Don't be shy, Nee. Look at us! Are we shy?
🐆 But- but what can i sayeth yond thee might want to hear?
😹 Tell us about Juba! What's really annoying about this guy?
🐆 As often as i bethink about, so often i receiveth to the same point: th're is nothing about that gent yond annoy'd me. Nothing. He is gentle and rough, is loud and quiet, is wond'rful with the li'l ones - he truly is of p'rfect mann'r, o Juba mine.
😼 Rubbish, no man is perfect. Man and perfect - these are mutually exclusive.
😸 That's right! And it's certainly no different in the house of the Whiteclawes. There must be something about him that drives you mad.
😺 Come on, Nee. We're among ourselves. Is your wonderful Juba really that perfect? I bet he pees standing up like any other male does.
🐆 But not my Juba. He's not of such a malapert nature. Of course, nay tree is safe from him, but shouldst ‘make me fell? Yond's what i liketh about that gent - the way he defends our lands from the top most rock to the creek.
😹 But he surely burps after dinner. Or does he stare after women when he thinks himself unnoticed? Males are all the same at that point.
🐆 But not my Juba. He's not of such a lustful nature. Of course, as he recently ador'd the singing leopard on tv - when his mouth dripped lustfully, I already harbored a slight grudge against him.
😼 Ah, now we're getting closer to it.
😸 I knew it.
🐆 But none of yond divides us, because i know that Juba loves me. He doesn't leaveth a day to showeth me. And who is't can completely absolve themselves of lasciviousness? Haven't thee already did look longingly at a male who is't wast not a fath'r of y'r cubs?
😽😹😸😼😺 ...

To be continued...

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