Few Minutes ago, and just for fun, I stopped by @lioness.cheryl’s Amy from the Alba Pride in her new beauty salon and asked which look she could recommend. I asked just for fun, you know. And suddenly Swede rushed in and thought it was hell of an idea at all. She insisted, not just for fun, that she wanted a makeover too. Now! And Mneka as well. I should do that too, Swede said, because supposedly it wouldn't be a bad idea if I worked a little harder for Niara and didn't take her for granted.
So the four of us went to Amy’s salon. You can see the result in the following pictures...
Me was first: Amy said she'd love to lure out the lion in me with the new look - hence the mane style. She didn't try to gloss over the purple spots. I think she did this just for fun, teasing a cheetah.
Swede was next: She wanted a sassy look, got the tips of her ears brushed and her head fur styled like a madwoman. Pretty punky.
Then Mneka was about to be saloned: She only wanted one thing - sparkling eyes like Mama. Amy put some decent paint on the fur. I think she calls that smokey eyes. Mneka loves her new look.
And Niara - well, she remained without change. Amy said she couldn't make perfect things more beautiful.
Thank you Amy for your good advice and the execution... I think.
Tell me how do you like our new looks?
#lockdownhaircut #AmysSalon #Mane #ManeEvent #Brushed #Gestylt #Umstyling #NewLook #JubaOnTour #AcinonyxJubatus #Cheetah #Juba #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Stofftier #Plueschtier #Plushie #Kuscheltier #plushies #plushiecommunity #instaplushies #stuffies #stuffiesofinstagram #plushielife
#Umstyling (1 Posts)
Few Minutes ago, and just for fun, I stopped by @lioness.cheryl’s Amy from the Alba Pride in her new beauty salon and asked which look she could recommend. I asked just for fun, you know. And suddenly Swede rushed in and thought it was hell of an idea at...
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