Slide Nummer 1
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Juba Gepard
Gepostet von juba_gepard Am 31.08.2023 12:31:55

đŸ˜ș Dad! Daaad!
🐆 Why's my daughter yelling and belling so wildly?
đŸ˜ș Because- she’s has something to show her dad. Soooo badly!
🐆 Oh, what do you want to show me, cutie?
đŸ˜ș Well, how do I explain that, you’ll understand? I informed myself.
🐆 And how informed are you now?
đŸ˜ș Very informed, Dad. At least when it comes to boat building.
🐆 Boat building?
đŸ˜ș Yeah, because the last flamingo boat was nuthin but a failure, that’s why I read, I planned, I designed. And here it is: the new concept of-
🐆 A boat?
đŸ˜ș Not a normal boat, Dad. No, it’s a water rocket with two engines, a fiberglass body, an intake for the flamingo floatie and flames on the wings. Do you see? I have calculated and considered everything. Damn, this will be the hottest water vehicle ever.
🐆 Engines? GRP? Flames? How are we gonna pay for that, little mouse?
đŸ˜ș Don’t worry about it, dad. Our hooman has already ordered the drives, the rc control, just like the GRP.
🐆 But do you even know what GRP is?
đŸ˜ș Theoretically. I’ve read a lot about it, Dad. It’s glass- fibre somwhat. I don’t know, but it’s easy to make the most organic shapes out of it. It’s going to be freaking pawsome.
🐆 O my...

#Flamingo #Sketch #Conception #Concept #Boat #Floatie #JubaOnTour #PlushiesOfInstagram #PlushiesOfGermany #Plushie #Kuscheltier #plushies #plushiecommunity #instaplushies #stuffies #stuffiesofinstagram #plushielife #plushieadventures #Koesen #KoesenerSpielzeug #SwedesWaterRocket

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